4-1-2. Rear Panel@ > ANT (Antenna) connectorThis connector should be attached to a suitableantenna for transmitting and receiving. The antennacable should be 50-ohm coax, terminated with aPL-259 connector.@ GND (Ground) terminalTo prevent electric shock, as well as RFI and BCI,connect the transceiver to a good earth ground.@ DC power connectorThis is used to connect the DC power supply.® ACC 2 jackTerminal numbers and their applications are asfollows:View from therear panel.13-pin DIN plug (E07-1351-05)14Pin No. Pin Name Application1 NC No connection2 NC No connection3 Data output Output level is fixed regardless ofthe AF control setting.Output voltage:300 mV or more at maximumreceiving input with 4.7 kQ load.GND Grounding (The shielded wire of theaudio output terminal is connectedhere.)Psa. This pin is used for connecting aTNC (Terminal Node Controller) foruse with packet radio. It is theSquelch Control terminal and will notallow packet communications whilesquelch is off.NC No connectionNC No connectionGND Grounding©}/@O;N| PKS This terminal disconnects themicrophone and places thetransceiver into transmit when aground is applied to this terminal.10 NC No connection11 PKD This is the MIC (microphone) inputpin from the terminal unit. The inputlevel is approximately 10 mV.12 GND Grounding (The shielded wire of theaudio input is connected here.)13 Standby Standby terminalGrounding transmits.