4. OPERATION4-1. OPERATING CONTROLS4-1-1. Front Panel® ®@ ®@ © ®©©Note:All segments on the Display Panel and Indicators areshown on for this explanation.® ® © OO®Q®{= 4 ot | tge uss M.CH SCAN AVFOB SPLIT 3 OFF SAMI FULLOFF SqMLFULLexh fo EF wOhGRBRAEEE -alp GDON QOFF ‘ON AIR CS M.SCA cS FLOCK 1MHz PWR— a vay2 EEKENWOOD =nuitiavoch Ts-1405- C= t—_19)HONES a oe MIC6 MEMORY M.CH/YFO CH MODE MIN Max |OTNORF GAIN ilMIN MAX(With the TS-680S)> AGC ae al@ POWER switch SePress to turn the power ON or OFF.@@ Program keysF.LOCK : The selected dial frequency and mode arelocked.MeV: Used to transfer a frequency frommemory to the VFO.M.IN : Used to enter data into a memory channel.VFO/M : Used to switch between memory or VFOoperations.SCAN _: Pressing during VFO operation will initiateprogram scan, and pressing duringmemory operation will initiate memoryscan.CLEAR : Used when reentering memory channeldata, erasing a memory channel, clearingscan, or when specifying the channelsthat will be skipped during scan opera-tions.@ MeterDuring receive the meter is used as an S-meter. Dur-ing transmit the function of the meter is controlledby the Meter switch @ , and provides either ALClevel, or PWR (power) readings.@ M.CH/VFO CH (Memory channel/VFOchannel) controlThis control is used to change the frequency in 10kHz steps during VFO operations. This is convenientwhen large changes in the operating frequency are@ Q BW @d wdrequired and for FM operations.This control is also used to select the desiredmemory channel during Memory Channel Operation.© IndicatorsON AIR : Lights during transmit.M.SCR_ : Lights when the M.IN key is pressed.When the memory scroll function is activeyou can review the contents of thememory channels without a loss of the in-coming receive frequency.F.LOCK : Lights when the F.LOCK key is ON.1 MHz _: Lights when the 1 MHz step switch is ON.© MODE keysThese keys are used to select the desired mode ofoperation. In CW mode the CW/N key is also used toselect the desired filter bandwidth. When a MODEkey is pressed the first character of that mode will besounded in Morse code thru the internal speaker.This announcement can be inhibited by following theinstructions in Section 4-2-8.LSB/USB key : Press the LSB/USB key to alternatebetween LSB and USB.CW/N key : Press the CW/N key to alternate be-tween CW (SSB filter) and N (nar-row).Note:There will be no audio from thespeaker in the CW narrow position ifno optional CW filter is installed.AM/FM key : Press the AM/FM key to alternatebetween AM and FM.