4-5. SCANBoth Memory Scan and Program Scan are possible.4-5-1. Memory ScanDuring memory channel operation, pressing theSCAN key will cause the radio to scan the memorychannels repeatedly, skipping the channels that haveon data stored.To cancel scan press the CLEAR key. A ’’CheckMemory”’ will be emitted from the speaker in Morsecode if you press the SCAN key and the memorychannels are vacant. Please refer to Section 4-2-8.4-5-2. Programmable Band-scanIf you press the SCAN key during VFO operationscan will begin at the current frequency and proceedupwards. ‘’P’’ will appear in the display to signifyProgram Scan. To cancel this scan operation pressthe CLEAR key. If channel 30 is empty the lowerlimit of 50.0 kHz and an upper limit of 34.999.9MHz (59.999.9 MHz with the TS-680S) willautomatically be stored when the SCAN key isdepressed.a. If scan is initiated within the limits specified inMemory Channel 30 scan will proceed thru thatrange.Lowest (Highest) Highest (Lowest)operating SCAN key:ON Operatingfrequency 1 frequencyie T— {I (esiecraneaadoa[eee eo See ee[ae SEae ee =Vi. Sloa wl|b. If scan is initiated outside the limits specified inMemory Channel 30 scan will proceed outside ofthe programmed limits.Scankey:0N_—_Lowest(Highest)SCANkey:ONoperating Highest (Lowest)35MHz[60MHz50tie{aliiadilfrequency|(TS-680Sonly)]i||||||eeesaerecoe||aa|||rs||peinathe|=________»}4-5-3. Scan SpeedThe scanning speed is adjustable from the frontpanel by using the RIT control during SCAN opera-tions. Clockwise rotation increases the scan speedand counterclockwise rotation decreases the scanspeed. This speed adjustment is effective in bothVFO and M.CH scan modes. Once set the scan26speedremainsinmemoryuntilitisagainchangedbythe RITcontrol.YoumustbeintheSCANmodeinordertoalterthescanspeed.RotatingeithertheTUNINGknobortheM.CH/VFOCHcontrolwillperformlargechangesintheoperatingfrequency.4-5-4. Scan HoldThe ScanHold functionisselectedbyusingthePoweronfunctionselectiondescribedinSection4-2-8.AfteryoustopturningtheTUNINGknobduringpro-gramscan,scanningwillstopforawhileandthenrestart.4-5-5. Memory Channel LockoutThistransceiver hasaMemoryChannellockoutfunctionwhichallowsyoutotemporarilyskipun-wantedMemoryChannelsduringmemoryscan.Lockingoutunwantedchannelswillhelptoincreasethe effectivescanspeed.1.PresstheVFO/MkeytoentertheMemoryChan-nelmode.2.Select theMemoryChannelthatyouwanttoskipusingtheM.CH/VFOCHcontrol,orSPLITkey.3. Press the CLEAR key.usp M.CH5 ‘uo orneOF FY PT SoG4.AdecimalpointwillappearintheM.CHdisplaytoindicate thatthechannelwillbe skipped.usp) M.CHf 1 7cy, the 1 S.Gindicator flashes5. To cancel the lockout, select the desired channeland then press the CLEAR key. The decimal pointwill go out indicating that the channel will againbe scanned.use.) M.CHfuotn 7cd A ot = uNotes:1.HoldingtheCLEARkey depressedforlonger than1.5secondswillclear thatchannel.2.IfmemoryscanisinitiatedwhileallMemoryChan-nelsarelocked outaMorse code‘’CHECKMEMORY"or3shortbeepswillsound fromthespeaker,depending upontheprogrammingof thePoweron functions. RefertoSection 4-2-8for ad-ditionalinformationof thepoweron functions.