52 ENNetwork OperationsImporting contents in the [PHOTO LIBRARY]Click on the [PHOTO] tag to select the [PHOTO LIBRARY].1Select the genre box or album box for the contents to be imported.The library box displays the genre boxes for the [PHOTO LIBRARY],such as [2004], [Family] and [MyPicture] boxes. Each genre box can havealbum boxes in the lower level.÷ Contents cannot be imported unless a genre box or albumbox is selected.2Select the photo contents to be imported in the folder win-dow so that they are displayed in the list window.3Drag & drop each content from the list window into thelibrary list window.÷ The same operation is also possible selecting a content andthen clicking on the [IMPORT] button.Operation of import by selecting a folder:When a genre box is selected in the library box (field on the bottomleft), a new album box is created and the contents in the folderselected in the library list window (field on the top right) are importedin the album box. (At this time, the album box is given the same nameas the folder.)When an album box is selected in the library box (field on the bottomleft), the contents in the folder selected in the library list window (fieldon the top right) are imported in the album box.Operation of import by selecting files:When a genre box is selected in the library box (field on the bottomleft), a new album box is created and the content(s) selected in thelibrary list window (field on the top right) are imported in the albumbox. (At this time, the album box is given the same name as thefolder.)When an album box is selected in the library box (field on thebottom left), the content(s) selected in the library list window (fieldon the top right) are imported in the album box. (One or multiplecontents can be selected and imported.)÷ When still-image data is imported as a content, a new file is createdautomatically by converting the size of the original file.The user is therefore recommended to take care about the remainingcapacity in the hard disk drive. It should also be noted that theprocessing may take time depending on the PC performance.÷ When photographic image data in a format other than JPEG isimported, its copy file is converted into the JPEG format and resized.4In the menu bar, select [File] \[Save] and then click on [OK].÷ The same operation is also possible by clicking on the[SAVE] button.Editing the [PHOT O LIBRARY] boxHow to add a genre box:Select the [PHOTO LIBRARY] and click the mouse right button orselect [ADD BOX].÷ Input the genre box name and click on the [OK] button to addthe specified genre box.How to delete a genre box:Select the genre box to be deleted and click the mouse right button.When a pull-down menu is displayed, select [Delete Genre].÷ A genre box can also be deleted by selecting the genre boxname and then select [DEL BOX].How to rename a genre box:Select the genre box to be renamed and click the mouse right button.When a pull-down menu is displayed, select [Modify Genre name ].Genre box [PHOTO]tag[IMPORT]button[SAVE]buttonOperating KENWOOD PC SERVERContinued to next page