97/11314.1.3 +CGQMIN Quality of service profile (minimum acceptable)Command Responseset +CGQMIN=,,,,,read +CGQMIN? +CGQMIN: ,,,,,[+CGQMIN: ,,,,,[…]]test +CGQMIN=? +CGQMIN: (1-2),(1-3),(1-4),(1-5),(1-9),(1-18,31)Optional. 07.60 section 10.2.3. This command is used to specify the minimum acceptableprofile that is checked by the MT against the negotiated profile returned in the Activate PDPContext Accept message. Supported value of : 1. This command is used inconjunction with the +CGDATA command.14.1.4 +CGATT GPRS attach or detachCommand Responseset +CGATT= read +CGATT? +CGATT: test +CGATT=? +CGATT: (0-1)Optional. The execution command is used to attach the MT to the GPRS service, or detachthe MT from the GSRS service. Any active PDP contexts will be automatically deactivatedwhen the attachment state changes to detached.14.1.5 +CGACT PDP context activate or deactivateCommand Responseset +CGACT= [ [,[,[,..]]]read +CGACT? +CGACT: , [+CGACT: , [...]]test +CGACT=? +CGACT: (0-1)Optional. The execution command is used to activate or deactivate the specified PDPcontext(s). : a numeric parameter which specifies a particular PDP context definition.Supported value of : 1
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