71/11311. ME ERROR COMMAND (GSM 07.07)11.1.1 +CMEE Report mobile equipment errorCommand Response Defaultset +CMEE= 0read +CMEE? +CMEE: test +CMEE=? +CMEE: (0-1)Mandatory. 07.07 section 9.1. Controls the presentation of extended error information resultcode. See also result code +CME ERROR. Textual error code presentation (parameter value2) is not supported.SMS COMMANDS (GSM 07.05)Note: SMS cannot be controlled using AT commands because the Nokia D211SMS application (Nokia Short Messaging) controls them.11.1.2 +CSMS Select message serviceCommand Response Defaultset +CSMS= +CSMS: 1,1,1 0read +CSMS? +CSMS: ,1,1,1test +CSMS=? +CSMS: (0,1)Mandatory. 07.05 section 3.2.1. Main difference between 0 and 1 is that when=1, +CNMA acknowledgement is required because most MT short messages arerouted directly to TE.11.1.3 +CPMS Preferred message storageCommand Response Default +cms errorset +CPMS=[,[,]]+CPMS: ,,,,,"SM","SM","MT" xread +CPMS? +CPMS: ,,,,,,,,xtest +CPMS=? +CPMS: ("ME","SM"),("ME","SM"),("MT")Mandatory. 07.05 section 3.2.2. is for read/delete procedures, forwriting/sending, is preferred memory for received messages (when they are notrouted directly to TE).