47/1137.1.7 +GSN Request TA serial number identificationCommand Responseexecute +GSN xxxxxxxxxx…Optional. V.25ter section 6.1.7. Note that because TA and ME are in a single physical entity,response of +CGSN is identical (i.e. IMEI).7.1.8 +GCAP Request complete capabilities listCommand Responseexecute +GCAP +GCAP: +CGSM,+FCLASS,+DS,+WMandatory. V.25ter section 6.1.9. Above mentioned response returned when GSM 07.07commands, some fax classes, and V.42bis compression supported.7.2 DE FACTO7.2.1 &V View configurationCommand Descriptionexecute &V[0] show current settings (all command parameter values defined under &F plus &Y setting)&V1 show settings in stored profile 0 (all command parameter values defined under &W)&V2 show settings in stored profile 1 (all command parameter values defined under &W)Mandatory (values 1 and 2 shall be present only when stored profiles are supported).Response format must fit in one 80 times 24 character display and all command parametersstored in a profile (or current settings) must be shown as ëcommand nameí-ëvalues ofparametersí pairs (e.g. +CSSN=0,1 or E0 or S7=80 or +COPS=,2 or +CSCS="HEX").7.2.2 &W Store configurationCommand Descriptionexecute &W[0] store to profile 0&W1 store to profile 1Mandatory when stored profiles are supported. Command parameters that are stored to aprofile are the same as listed under &F command except to the parameters of the followingcommands which are not stored: +CMOD, +CSCA, +CSMP.