14/113The Nokia D211 is a GPRS Class B mobile. The Nokia D211 GPRS single slot data rate canbe up to 21.4 kbit/s and multislot data (1+3 or 2+2 timeslots) can be up to 64.2 kbit/s.2.4 SMSThe Nokia D211 supports several SMS-based services: OTA (over-the-air configuration),business cards, picture messages, and concatenated messages.The software installation includes an SMS management software, Nokia Short Messaging.SMS services cannot be controlled using AT-commands, and if the Nokia Short Messaging isnot a suitable solution, the developers must use the Nokia D211 SDK to create their ownSMS application.2.5 FAX CLASSESThe Nokia D211 supports group 3 fax classes 1, 2 and 2.0 including ECM. Using hardwareflow control and Class 2 is recommended.