46/1137.1.3 I Request identification informationCommand Response Descriptionexecute I[0] Manufacturer identification(Nokia Corporation)same as +GMII1 Product serial number = IMEI same as +GSNI2 Product version(V xx.xx dd-mm-yy DTE-1 © NMP.)same as +GMRI3 Product name(Nokia D211)same as +GMMI4 CSD SW versionI9 Plug and play infoI5-I8and I10-I255dummies that just are acceptedMandatory for compatibility reasons (although optional in V.25ter). V.25ter section 6.1.3. E.g.Windows95 uses this.7.1.4 +GMI Request TA manufacturer identificationCommand Responseexecute +GMI Nokia CorporationMandatory. V.25ter section +GMM Request TA model identificationCommand Responseexecute +GMM Model information (Nokia D211)Mandatory. V.25ter section 6.1.5. Note that in case of a product with TA and ME in a singlephysical entity, response of +CGMM is identical.7.1.6 +GMR Request TA revision identificationCommand Responseexecute +GMR V xx.xx dd-mm-yy DTE-1 © NMP.Mandatory. V.25ter section 6.1.6. Response must include product SW version. Note thatbecause TA and ME are in a single physical entity, response of +CGMR is identical.