75/11311.1.14 +CNMA New message acknowledgement to ME/TACommand Response +cms errorExecute text mode (+CMGF=1):+CNMAPDU mode (+CMGF=0):+CNMA=[[,[PDU is givenZ/ESC> ]]]xTest +CNMA=? PDU mode (+CMGF=0):+CNMA: (0-2)Optional. 07.05 section 3.4.4. PDU entering as specified in 07.05. Command is available onlywhen +CSMS=1 is supported.Note: It depends on the +CSMS setting and AT interface state (data/commandmode) whether data task automatically handles acknowledgement or whether itwaits for the +CNMA command from the terminal before sending it back.11.1.15 +CMGS Send messageCommand Response Default +cms errorExecute text mode (+CMGF=1):+CMGS=[,]text is enteredPDU mode (+CMGF=0):+CMGS=PDU is giventext mode (+CMGF=1) and sending ok:+CMGS: [,]PDU mode (+CMGF=0) and sending ok:+CMGS: [,]text mode:[,129/145]xTest +CMGS=?Optional. 07.05 section 3.5.1. Text/PDU entering as specified in +CMSS Send message from storageCommand Response Default +cms errorExecute +CMSS=[,[,]]Text mode (+CMGF=1) and sending ok:+CMSS: [,]PDU mode (+CMGF=0) and sending ok:+CMSS: [,][,"",129/145] xTest +CMSS=?Optional. 07.05 section 3.5.2. Also SMS-COMMANDs can be sent, but if containsSMS-COMMAND and is given, +CMS ERROR is returned.
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