Installation A 1-25E 2000 Nordson CorporationAll rights reserved 41-3000VIssued 5/00A3EN-04-[3V-A-AAXP]-126. See Figure A 1-15. The trigger device, usually a photosensor, andthe enable/disable devices are connected at terminal block X6P onthe pattern control driver board. To connect these devices, refer toTable A 1-4.4130254X6P1234Fig. A 1-15 Terminal Block X6P on the Pattern Control Driver Board1. Position 12. Position 23. Position 34. Position 4Table A 1-4 Connections for Trigger and Enable/Disable DevicesFunctional Description Position on Terminal BlockX6PNote+15V 1trigger 2 Acommon 3 Benable/disable 4 BNOTE A: The driver board accepts either a current-sourcing or acurrent-sinking trigger input.B: If you are not using a remote enable/disable device, install ajumper wire between positions 3 and 4.