InstallationA 1-32E 2000 Nordson CorporationAll rights reserved41-3000VIssued 5/00A3EN-04-[3V-A-AAXP]-129. Remove the required amount of cable insulation and wire insulationand then secure the cable with a cable strap of the correct size, asshown in Figure A 1-21. Three different sizes of cable strap areprovided: one is attached to the unit just below the power board andthe other two are included in the ship-with kit.413076312Fig. A 1-21 Installing the Cable Strap on the Electrical Service Line1. Electrical service line 2. Cable strap10. Connect the ground wire of your electrical service line to the groundterminal below TB1 as shown in Figure A 1-22.4130765Fig. A 1-22 Connecting the Ground WireConnecting Electrical Service(contd.)