InstallationA 1-60E 2000 Nordson CorporationAll rights reserved41-3000VIssued 5/00A3EN-04-[3V-A-AAXP]-1241308142116 7 8145149101512 133Fig. A 1-38 Pattern Control Process1. Direction of line2. Product3. Sensor4. Gun (output 1)5. Guns (output 2)6. Start point of first bead (output 1)7. End point of first bead (output 1)8. Start point of second bead(output 1)9. End point of second bead(output 1)10. Start point of first bead(output 2)11. End point of first bead (output 2)12. Start point of second bead(output 2)13. End point of second bead(output 2)14. Pattern (output 1)15. Pattern (output 2)8. Programming PATTERNCONTROl Settings (contd.)