Installation A 1-43E 2000 Nordson CorporationAll rights reserved 41-3000VIssued 5/00A3EN-04-[3V-A-AAXP]-12Table A 1-12 SYSTEM SETTINGS FeaturesFeatureNo.Feature Description DefaultSettingOptional Settings0 Password Provides a password if the password enable feature isturned on. The password (321) cannot be changed.321 none1 PasswordEnableAllows you to turn the password enable feature on or off.When the password enable feature is on, operators canview the settings for TEMPERATURE, SYSTEMSETTINGS, or CLOCK. To change the settings,operators must enter the correct password (321). Whenthe feature is off, operators can change all settingswithout entering a password.0(off)0 (off)1 (on)2 System-ReadyTime DelayAllows you to specify the amount of additional timeneeded for the adhesive to melt after all zones havereached their setpoint temperatures. At the end of thetime delay, the READY light turns on.18 (minutes) 0--60 (minutes)3 Overtemperature SetpointAllows you to specify the maximum temperature anyzone can reach before the system initiates a faultcondition. This setting should be at least 14 _C (25 _F)above the highest operating setpoint. The system will notallow you to set the overtemperature setpoint lower thanthis, or the operating setpoint higher. (See Note A.)218/425(_C/_F)52--246/125--475(_C/_F)4 Celsius/FahrenheitAllows you to display temperature measurements inCelsius or Fahrenheit.F (Fahrenheit) F (Fahrenheit)C (Celsius)5 GlobalTemperatureBandAllows you to specify the degree to which a temperaturemay deviate from any zone before the system indicatesan out-of-band warning. (See Note B.)17/30(_C/_F)6--28/10--50(_C/_F)6--19 IndividualTemperatureBands(See Note D.)Allows you to specify the degree to which a temperaturemay deviate for an individual zone before the systeminitiates a warning. (See Note C.)17/30(_C/_F)6--28/10--50(_C/_F)20 Sequential orSimultaneousStartupAllows you to specify whether the system will perform asequential startup (internal zones and hose zones heatfirst, then gun zones) or simultaneous startup (all zonesheat at once).1(sequential)0 (simultaneous)1 (sequential)21 Display HeaterProportioningAllows you to display the heater proportioning (a flashingINTERNAL, HOSE, or GUN light).0(no display)0 (no display)1 (show display)22 System Warningor PowerNotificationAllows you to change the System Warning output contactto alert remotely located operators that a system warninghas occurred or that power is on.1(warning)0 (power)1 (warning)23 System Readyor PumpNotificationAllows you to change the System Ready output contactto alert remotely located operators that the system isready (up to temperature) or that the pump is on.1(ready)0 (pump)1 (ready)24 Auto-EnergizePumpPiston pump units only: Allows you to turn theauto-energize pump feature on or off. If this feature is on,the system turns the pump on automatically once thetank reaches the preset temperature of Feature No. 32.If the auto-energize pump feature is off, you must turn thepump on by pressing the PUMP key until the PUMP lightturns on.1(on)0 (off)1 (on)NOTE A: The overtemperature setting should be at least 42 _C (75 _F) below the flash point temperature.B: If you enter a setting that is higher than the tank setpoint, the pump will start when the tank reaches its setpoint.C: If you enter a new setting for this feature, the new setting is immediately entered for the individual zones (FeatureNos. 6--19). However, it is not saved as the setting for Feature No. 5. Feature No. 5 always returns to the defaultsetting of 6 _C (10 _F).D: Feature No. 6 = tank, Feature No. 7 = grid, Feature Nos. 8--13 = hoses 1--6, Feature Nos. 14--19 = guns 1--6.