211Networking Configuration GuideChapter 23CLID: Name displayBCM displays the name of the calling party at the answering telephone when this information isavailable on Private or Public PRI trunks, VoIP trunks, and analog trunks that support Calling LineIdentification (CLID). The displayed name can include the Receiving Calling Name, ReceivingRedirected Name, and/or Receiving Connected Name. Refer to “Receiving and sending callingparty name” on page 212.If only a number is available for CLI on an incoming call, you can program a system speed dial insuch a way that a name displays when that number calls in. Refer to “Alpha tagging for namedisplay” on page 212.Name and number information are also transmitted with outgoing calls. This can be blocked by theuser (FEATURE 819) on a per-call basis. As well, you can block this information on a per-trunkbasis. This is important if the connecting system cannot process name and number information.Some service providers also may have different codes that need to be mapped so that the blockingfeature works.Table 37 provides a list of the name/number display features and the list of ISDN interfaces thatsupport each feature.Table 37 Call features/interface listInterfaceFeature NI PRI DMSCustomPRISL-1(MCDN)NI-BRI ETSIEuro(PRI/BRI)ETSI QSIGReceiving Calling Name Supported Supported Supported Supported SupportedReceiving RedirectedNameSupported Supported SupportedReceiving ConnectedNameSupported Supported SupportedSending Calling PartyNameSupported Supported Supported SupportedSending Connected Name Supported Supported SupportedNote: Name Display is an optional feature that is available based on theinterface to which you subscribe.Note: MCDN networks fully support name display features within theprivate network environment.