275Networking Configuration GuideChapter 28Dialing plan: Public networkThe panel described in the following information defines the number planning required for callsexiting the system to the public telephone network.The following paths indicate where to access the dialing plan for public network in ElementManager and through Telset Administration:• Element Manager: Configuration > Telephony > Dialing Plan > Public Network• Telset interface: **CONFIG > System Prgrming > Dialing Plan > Public NetworkPublic dialing plan settingsThe Dialing Plan - Public Network panel displays the fields that determine dialing informationspecific to dialing in or out to a public network from the host system.Panels/Subpanels Tasks Feature notes“Public dialing plan settings” onpage 275“Public Network Settings” onpage 276“Public network DN lengths”on page 277“Adding a DN Prefix for publicdialing” on page 278“Modifying a DN prefix” onpage 278“Deleting a DN prefix” onpage 279“Outgoing public calls routing” onpage 279“Carrier Codes” on page 279 “Adding a carrier code” onpage 280“Modifying a carrier code” onpage 280“Deleting a carrier code” onpage 280“Configuration notes and tips” on page 270See also:• “Dialing plan: System settings” on page 267• “Dialing plan: Private network settings” on page 281• “Public networking: Setting up basic systems” on page 289Click the navigation tree heading to access general information about dialing plans.