270 Chapter 27 Dialing plan: System settingsNN40020-603NN40020-603To define a direct dial set1 On the Direct Dial table, click the fields beside the set number you want to configure and enterthe appropriate values.2 Press Tab on your keyboard to save the values.3 Go to the DN records of the telephones where you want the direct dial set assigned and assignthe set under “Preferences tab” in the Device Configuration Guide (NN40020-300).Configuration notes and tipsThe following information expands on some of the fields on the tabs on the Dialing Plan - Generalpanel.• “DN length constraints” on page 270• “Received number notes” on page 271• “Tips about access codes” on page 272• “Call Park codes” on page 273DN length constraintsFacility LinePool (A-O)Use prime lineUse routingtableThe facility to be used to route the call to a direct dial set that youdefine with an external number.Note: If you choose Use prime line, ensure that prime line is notassigned to the intercom buttons for your telephones. Whenprime line is assigned as an intercom button, it chooses the firstavailable line pool assigned to the telephone to make a call. Ifthis line pool does not have the correct lines for routing the call,the direct dial call will fail. Refer to “Line Access tab” in theDevice Configuration Guide (NN40020-300).Note: The BCM cannot verify that the number you assign as an external directdial set is valid. Check the number before assigning it as a direct dial set bycalling the direct dial you have assigned.Warning: Do not change DN length immediately after a system startup.You must wait until the system is operational with two solid green status LEDs.Table 51 Private and Public received numbers (Sheet 3 of 3)Attribute Value Description