389Networking Configuration GuideChapter 45VoIP interoperability: Gatekeeper configurationThe following describes the use of a gatekeeper for your H.323 VoIP trunks.Refer to the gatekeeper software documentation for information about changing IP addresses.Gatekeeper notes:• The BCM has been tested by Nortel to be compliant with CS 1000 gatekeeper applications.• A gatekeeper may help to simplify IP configuration or the BCM dialing plan; however, it doesnot simplify the network dialing plan.Using CS 1000 as a gatekeeperBoth the BCM and the CS 1000 must be set to the parameters described in the followinginformation for the gatekeeper to work effectively. Refer to IP Peer Networking: Installation andConfiguration (553-3001-213) for detailed information on configuring a CS 1000 gateway.For CS 1000, the Network Routing Service (NRS) can be configured and maintained through aweb interface called NRS Manager. NRS Manager replaces the CS 1000 GK admin tool.Review the following information before attempting to use the CS 1000 as a gatekeeper:• Before a Gateway Endpoint registers with the CS 1000 gatekeeper it must first be added to thegatekeeper configuration.• Before a registered Gateway Endpoint makes calls, it must have its routing entry informationassigned within the gatekeeper configuration.• Before any of these configuration changes become part of the gatekeeper active configuration,they must be committed to the active database.BCM requirementsSet the BCM Local Gateway IP interface to the following using BCM Element Manager (go toConfiguration > Resources > Telephony Resources > {Select IP Trunk} > H323 Settings tab):• Set Call Signaling to GatekeeperRouted or GatekeeperResolved.• Set Primary Gatekeeper IP to the IP address of the NRS.• Set Alias Names to the Alias name that was used when the H.323 Endpoint for the BCM wascreated on the NRS.In order to make a BCM 3.01 (or later)-to-CS 1000 call, ensure that the BCM routes and dialingplan (used to reach the CS 1000 systems) match the numbering plan entry assigned to the CS 1000systems through NRS Manager.