cm6520 5-17Sending a user box document 5Sending a user box document Chapter 55.3 Specifying the transmission settingsSettings that can be specifiedIn the screen for selecting a destination, touch [File Type], [Communication Settings] or [Application] tospecify detailed settings for sending. Settings can be specified for the following.File TypeCommunication Settings!DetailFor details on the S/MIME communication settings, refer to the User’s Guide [Network ScannerOperations].The "Digital Signature" parameter may not be available or may be set to normally sign, depending onthe specified S/MIME communication settings.ApplicationFile TypeSelect the file format for sending the data. The following four file formats are available.File TypeIf the "PDF" or "Compact PDF" File Type setting is selected, the encryption level and stamp combinationmethod can be specified.Encryption settingsParameter Description Page referenceFile Type Select the file format for the scan data to be saved. p. 5-17Parameter Description Page referenceE-Mail Settings Specify the document name, subject, From address and mes-sage body for sending e-mail messages.p. 5-20URL Notification Setting Specify the e-mail address where notifications of completion ofthe job are to be sent.p. 5-21E-Mail Encryption This parameter appears when "S/MIME Communication Set-tings" is set to "ON". Select whether or not to encrypt e-mailmessages that are sent.p. 5-21Digital Signature This parameter appears when "S/MIME Communication Set-tings" is set to "ON". Select whether or not to add a digital signa-ture to e-mail messages that are sent.p. 5-22Parameter Description Page referenceStamp/Composition Print the document with the date/time, page number or a stampadded.p. 5-23Send & Print Settings can be specified to print a document when it is sent. Inaddition, various settings can be specified when printing.p. 5-35Setting DescriptionPDF Select this setting to save the data in the PDF format.Compact PDF Select this setting to compress the data more than with the PDF format. This is used withfull-color scan data.TIFF Select this setting to save data in the TIFF format.JPEG Select this setting to save the data in the JPEG format.Parameter DescriptionEncryption Level Select the encryption level.