cm6520 6-11Printing/sending a system user box document 6Printing/sending a system user box document Chapter 6!DetailUp to 500 destinations can be specified from the address book and with an Address search.Up to five destinations can be entered directly each with e-mail transmissions, SMB transmissions andFTP transmissions.In the screen for selecting a destination, touch [File Type], [Communication Settings] or [Application] tospecify detailed settings for sending. Settings can be specified for the following.File TypeCommunication SettingsApplicationMethod Description Page referenceAddress book destination Select different destinations from those registered in the ad-dress book.p. 5-7Group destinations Multiple destinations can be registered together with thismethod. This is convenient when documents are always sentto the same destinations.p. 5-8Direct input With this method, destinations for e-mail transmissions, FTPtransmissions and SMB transmissions are entered directlyfrom the control panel. This is used when sending data to adestination that is not already registered.p. 5-11Address search Select this method when an LDAP server is used. Addressesregistered on the LDAP server can be searched for the addressthat corresponds to the specified conditions.p. 5-15Parameter Description Page referenceFile Type Select the file format for the scan data to be saved. p. 5-17Parameter Description Page referenceE-Mail Settings Specify the document name, subject, From address and mes-sage body for sending e-mail messages.p. 5-20URL Notification Setting Specify the e-mail address where notifications of completion ofthe job are to be sent.p. 5-21Parameter Description Page referenceStamp/Composition Print the document with the date/time, page number or astamp added.p. 5-29Send & Print Settings can be specified to print a document when it is sent.In addition, various settings can be specified when printing.p. 5-35Stamp Element The format of previously added text or distribution numberscan be changed.p. 6-13