cm6520 2-27Saving documents 2Saving documents Chapter 23 Select the resolution.4 Touch [OK], and then touch [OK] in the next screen that appears.File TypeSelect the file format for saving the scan data. The following four file formats are available.File typeSome File Type settings may not be available, depending on the selected Color setting. The possiblecombinations of the File Type and Color settings are shown below.If the "PDF" or "Compact PDF" File Type setting is selected, the encryption level and stamp combinationmethod can be specified.Encryption settingsIn addition, the grouping of the saved data can be specified.Scan SettingSetting DescriptionPDF Select this setting to save the data in the PDF format.Compact PDF Select this setting to compress the data more than with the PDF format. This is usedwith full-color scan data.TIFF Select this setting to save data in the TIFF format.JPEG Select this setting to save the data in the JPEG format.Auto Color Full Color Gray Scale BlackPDF o o o oCompact PDF o o o ×TIFF o o o oJPEG o o o ×Parameter DescriptionEncryption Level Select the encryption level.Password Enter the password necessary to open encrypted data. Type in a password of 32characters or less. For confirmation, type in the password again.Document Permissions Enter the password necessary to change document permissions. Type in a pass-word of 32 characters or less. For confirmation, type in the password again.Setting DescriptionSingle Page Select this setting to create a file in a format where the data for each page can besaved when downloading.Multi Page Select this setting to create a single file from the entire scanned document. This set-ting cannot be selected if the "JPEG" File Type setting is selected.