Printing confidential and other held jobsHolding jobs in the printerWhen sending a job to the printer, you can specify that you want the printer to hold the job in memory until youstart the job from the printer control panel. All print jobs that can be initiated by the user at the printer are calledheld jobs.Note: Confidential, Verify, Reserve, and Repeat print jobs may be deleted if the printer requires extra memory toprocess additional held jobs.Job type DescriptionConfidential When you send a Confidential print job to the printer, you must create a PIN fromthe computer. The PIN must be four digits using the numbers 0–9. The job is heldin printer memory until you enter the PIN from the printer control panel andchoose to print or delete the job.Verify When you send a Verify print job, the printer prints one copy and holds theremaining copies in printer memory. Verify lets you examine the first copy to seeif it is satisfactory before printing the remaining copies. Once all copies areprinted, the job is automatically deleted from printer memory.Reserve When you send a Reserve print job, the printer does not print the job immediately.It stores the job in memory so you can print the job later. The job is held in memoryuntil you delete it from the Held Jobs menu.Repeat When you send a Repeat print job, the printer prints all requested copies of thejob and stores the job in memory so you can print additional copies later. Youcan print additional copies as long as the job remains stored in memory.Other types of held jobs include:• Profiles from various sources• Forms from a kiosk• Bookmarks• Jobs not printed, which are called parked jobsPrinting confidential and other held jobs from WindowsNote: Confidential and Verify print jobs are automatically deleted from memory after they print. Repeat and Reservejobs continue to be held in the printer until you choose to delete them.1 With a document open, click File Print.2 Click Properties, Preferences, Options, or Setup.3 Click Other Options, and then click Print and Hold.4 Select your job type (Confidential, Reserve, Repeat, or Verify), and then assign a user name. For a confidential job,also enter a four-digit PIN.5 Click OK or Print, and then go to the printer to release the job.6 On the home screen, touch Held jobs.Printing133