HTML menuMenu item DescriptionFont NameAlbertus MTAntique OliveApple ChanceryArial MTAvant GardeBodoniBookmanChicagoClarendonCooper BlackCopperplateCoronetCourierEurostileGaramondGenevaGill SansGoudyHelveticaHoefler TextIntl CG TimesIntl CourierIntl UniversJoanna MTLetter GothicLubalin GothicMarigoldMonaLisa RecutMonacoNew CenturySbkNew YorkOptimaOxfordPalatinoStempelGaramondTaffyTimesTimesNewRomanUniversZapf ChancerySets the default font for HTML documentsNotes:• The Times font will be used in HTML documents that do not specify afont.• The following fonts appear only if the appropriate DBCS font card isinstalled: HG-GothicB, MSung-Light, MD_DotumChe, and MingMT-Light.Menu item DescriptionFont Size1–255 ptSets the default font size for HTML documentsNotes:• 12 pt is the factory default setting.• Font size can be increased in 1-point increments.Scale1–400%Scales the default font for HTML documentsNotes:• 100% is the factory default setting.• Scaling can be increased in 1% increments.OrientationPortraitLandscapeSets the page orientation for HTML documentsNote: Portrait is the factory default setting.Margin Size8–255 mmSets the page margin for HTML documentsNotes:• 19 mm is the factory default setting.• Margin size can be increased in 1-mm increments.Understanding printer menus227