Troubleshooting > 155Warning Erased Data Full The log buffer was full and data was deleted.Warning Expired Secure JobPress keyIndicates that an applicable job has beenautomatically deleted as the retention periodfor authentication printing has expired.Warning Disk Use Failed <%FE_ERR%>Press keyA disk error has occurred.Press the Stop button to clear the error.%FS_ERR%:0 - General error1- Volume not available3 - File not found4 - No free file descriptors5 - Invalid number of bytes6 - File already exists7 - Illegal name8 - Cant del root9 - Not file10 - Not directory11 - Not same volume12 - Read only13 - Root dir full14 - Dir not empty15 - Bad disk16 - No label17 - Invalid parameter18 - No contig space19 - Cant change root20 - FD obsolete21 - Deleted22 - No block device23 - Bad seek24 - Internal error25 - Write onlyWarning <%PUFLASH%> Flash Error %PUFLASH%PUTray 2Tray 3DuplexWarning Received invalid data.Press keyA job has been deleted due to corrupt databeing detected by the integrity verification inauthentication printing.Warning Received invalid data.Press keyAn unsupported PDL command has beenreceived or a spool command has beenreceived without HDD.Warning Remove the connected USB device.Unsupported USB device is connected.Indicates that an unsupported USB device isconnected.This message will be displayed until theunsupported USB device disconnected.STATUS /CODEMESSAGE MEANING / ACTION