Configuring your machine... > 51Print Setup(cont.)IBM PPRSetup(cont.)CR Function CR, CR+LF Selects whether a receivedcarriage return character (0Dh)also causes a line feed.LF Function LF, LF+CR Selects whether a received linefeed character (0Ah) also causes acarriage return.Line Length 80 COLUMN, 136COLUMNSpecifies the number of charactersper line.Form Length 11 Inch, 11.7 Inch,12 InchSpecifies the length of paper.TOF Position 0.0 Inch - 1.0 Inch Specifies the distance of print fromthe top edge of the paper.Left Margin 0.0 Inch - 1.0 Inch Specifies the distance of print fromthe left hand edge of the paper.Fit to Letter Disable, Enable Sets the printing mode that can fitprint data, equivalent to 11 inches(66 lines), in the LETTER-sizeprintable area.Text Height Same, Diff Sets the height of a character.SAME: Regardless of CPI, sameheightDIFF: As CPI, character heightsvary.Cont PaperModeOFF, ON If you have multiple feed traysinstalled in which the media is thesame size and type you can enablecontinuous paper mode. When onetray runs out of paper, the MFP willswitch to another tray.EPSON FXSetupCharacter Pitch 10 CPI, 12 CPI, 17CPI, 20 CPI,PROPORTIONALSpecifies character pitch in thisemulation.Font Condense 12CPI - 20CPI,12CPI - 12CPISpecifies 12CPI pitch for CondenseMode.Character Set SET-1, SET-2 Specifies a character set.Symbol Set IBM 437 Specifies a symbol set.Letter 0 Style Disable, Enable Specifies the style that replaces9BH with letter o and 9DH with azeroZero Character Normal, Slashed Sets the zero to be slashed orunslashed.Line Pitch 6 LPI, 8 LPI Specifies the line spacing.White Page Skip OFF, ON Selects whether blank pages areprinted or not.CR Function CR, CR+LF Selects whether a receivedcarriage return character (0Dh)also causes a line feed.Line Length 80 COLUMN, 136COLUMNSpecifies the number of charactersper line.FEATURE OPTION DESCRIPTION