Configuring your machine... > 61E XPLANATION OF FILING PROTOCOLSFTPFTP stands for “File Transfer Protocol.” It is a common method of transferring files via theInternet from one computer to another. FTP use RFC 959[FTP] as their protocol. Therefore,ensure you have a legal FTP account with the privilege of writing under the directory to savethe files and password before using FTP to save documents. To add a sub-directory fromthe MFP, you need to have the privilege of adding a new directory.HTTPHTTP use RFC 2616[HTTP 1.1] as their protocol, and the default Port is usually 80. If youare not using the HTTP port to save files, you must change the MFP HTTP Port to the portfor the Web Server.Generally speaking, a Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Web Server will use ananonymous account for authentication, so that the user can link directly to the web pagewithout entering the user name and password first. Therefore, if the HTTP Server does usean anonymous account for authentication when you use this MFP to save files, there is noneed for setting any text in the field of Login name and Password for the MFP.On the other hand, if the HTTP server does not allow an anonymous account forauthentication of connection to the web page, the user will be prompted to enter a username and password first when connecting to the web site. In this mode, the file savingfeature is available only when entering the user name and password permitted by theserver in the Login name and Password field for the MFP.Therefore, make sure of the mode that your Web Server allows before using HTTP for filesaving. If anonymous access mode is not allowed, you must have a legal HTTP account andpassword.Since this MFP will check whether the directory for file saving really exists beforeproceeding to file saving and writing after scanning to the specified directory, you have toset the directory for files saving as “browse” and allow for writing in the Web Server;otherwise the MFP will not be able to write the file into the directory.If you wish to use the MFP to save files, in addition to making some settings in Web Server,you will have to confirm that the account has writing privilege for connecting to the WebServer. If not, the MFP will not be able to “write” the scanned file in the file system.Setting IIS anonymous access:1. Start Internet service manager in “Control Panel”.2. Select Default Web site and right click C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\X cabinet.