Troubleshooting > 163Error Check DNS SettingsPress keyFailed to connect with DNS server.Error Check Server SettingsPress keyFailed to connect with file server.Error Server Login FailedPress keyFailed to login in CIFS or FTP server.Error Entering Directory FailedPress keyFailed to access directory in FTP server.Error Changing Data Transfer Type FailedPress keyIndicates that the data transfer type is notsupported in the FTP server.Change the data transfer type in FTP server.Error File Writing FailedPress keyFailed to save image file in file server duringScan to Network PC execution.Error Storage Space FullPress keyFile sending failed due to insufficient freespace in storage device (FTP Server).Error Change File NamePress keyFile sending failed due to a problem with thefile name (FTP Server).Error Unsupported ServerPress keyIndicates that the server does not supportCIFS/FTP.Error Check Network Share NamePress keyIndicates that the network folder name iswrong (CIFS server).Error Check DataProgram Data Write Error <%DLCODE%>An error has occurred while writing the SIPdownload data.%DLCODE%1. Data transfer error2. No device space3. Check sum error4. Chip detectione error5. Chip erase error6. Chip writing error7. Chip verify error8. Data error (product code is wrong, etc.)9. Data size errorError Inspection is required.%ERRCODE%: SIP ErrorScan Image Processing has failed.Switch the power supply off and then backon.%ERRCODE%1. RAM Check Error2. Illegal parameters3. Memory Overflow4. Scanner Receiving Time-out5. Others (Fatal Error)Fatal126Power Off and Wait for a while%ERRCODE%: Condensing ErrorWater vapor has condensed into liquiddroplets in the MFP. Turn off the MFP andwait for a while.If a fatal code still appears, contact yourdealer.STATUS /CODEMESSAGE MEANING / ACTION