I UCC 128bb = Number of dots (01-12) for narrow bar and narrow spaceccc = Bar height in dots (001-600)d = UCC 128 only. Not used for other bar code types.0 No human readable text1 Human readable text at top2 Human readable text at bottomBDabbcccd Bar Codes. Prints a 2:5 ratio bar code, except for UPC, EAN, Page 12Code 93, Code 128, UCC128 symbols, which are fixed width bar codes.For values a, bb, ccc and d see instructions for Babbcccd.BJFaaaaaaaa Expansion Memory Function. Initializes the expansion memory Page 78in order to make use it.aaaaaaaa = Eight character alphanumeric user ID.BJS Expansion Memory Function. Prints the status of expansion memory. Page 80BKaabbc PDF417. Prints PDF417 2-D symbols. Page 84ddeeffffnn…n aa = Minimum module dimension (03~09 dots). Will not print ifvalues of 01, 02 or greater than 10 are specified.bb = Minimum module pitch dimension (04 ~ 24 dots). Will not printif values of 01, 02, 03 or greater than 25 are specified.c = Security (error detection) level (0 ~ 8).dd = Code words per line (01 ~ 30). If 00 is specified for both dd and ee,the printer automatically optimizes the number of rows per symbol.ee = Rows per symbol (00 or 03 ~ 40). If 00 is specified for both dd andee, then the printer automatically optimizes the number of row persymbol.ffff = Number of characters to be encoded (0001 ~ 27000).nn…n= Data to be printed.BPn…n Postnet. Prints Postnet bar codes. Page 55n…n = 5 digits (Postnet-32 format)6 digits (Postnet-37 format)9 digits (Postnet-52 format)11 digits (Postnet-62 format, Delivery Point format).98