6. To store the custom designed character in memory using a binary data stream, the command would be:AK1B3F 01 H 00 H 03 H 80 H 07 H C0 H 0F H E0 H 1F H F0 H 3F H F8 H 7F H FCH FF H FEH 07 H C0H07 H C0 H 07 H C0 H 07 H C0 H 07 H C0 H 07 H C0 H 07 H C0 H 07 H C0HZNote: Spaces are shown between hexadecimal values in the above example for clarity only andare not included in the data string.Note that the data string is only half as long as the hexadecimal format. This is because we can send thebinary equivalent of “11111111” (represented above in its hexadecimal value of FF H ), for example, usingone eight bit word while it takes two eight bit words to transmit the hexadecimal equivalent “F” and “F”.To send binary characters using BASIC, the expression CHR(&HFF) will send the binary equivalent ofFF (i.e. 11111111).7. To recall the custom character from memory, send the following code to the printer:AL0505H150V100K1H903FL0505H600V100K1H903FL0303H125V250MTHIS SIDE UP !Q1ZThe printer output for both hexadecimal and binary format examples is:130