1 for Thermal Transfer Printing (with ribbon)CRaaaaa,b,c,d RS232 Setting. Sets the related parameters for the RS232 Page 94communication.aaaaa = Baud rate (9600, 19200 or 38400)b = Parity (N for None, O for Odd, E for Even)c = Number of data bits (7 or 8)d = Number of stop bits (1 or 2)CSa Print Speed Selection. Specifies a unique print speed in in./sec. Page 59through software for a particular label.a = 1 ~ 4.CT Self Test. Prints a test label. Page 92Dabbcccd Bar Codes. Prints 1:2 ration bar code. For UPC and EAN bar codes, Page 12this will add descender bars. For values a, bb, ccc and d see instructionfor Babbcccd.Eaaa Line Feed. Provides the ability to print multiple lines of the same Page 52character size without specifying a new print position for each line.aaa = Number of dots (1~999) between the bottom of thecharacters on one line to the top of characters on the nextline.EX0 Print Length. 50”. Page 51Faaaabcccc,dd,ee Sequential Numbering. Allows the printing of sequencing fields (text, Page 69bar codes) where all incrementing is done within the printer.aaaa = Number of times to repeat the same data (0001 ~ 9999).b = Plus or minus symbol (+ for increments, – for decrements).cccc = Value of step for sequence (0001 ~ 9999).dd = Number of digits for sequential numbering (01 ~ 99). The firstincrementing character position starts after the positionsexempted from sequential numbering as specified in ee. Ifthese digits are left out, the default is 8.ee = Number of digits free from sequential numbering (0 ~ 99) startingwith the right most position. If these digits are left out the default101