DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015Custom Setups for Single Element Transducers 167b) Enter a SETUP NAME that describes the transducer and/or the application tobe used to create the setup.c) Set MEAS TYPE to the desired measurement type. The available choices are:• STANDARD: For normal mode 1, 2, or 3 positive or negative peakmeasurement.• FIRST PEAK: For detection of the first of several peaks of similaramplitudes (see “First Peak” on page 171 for details).d) Set PROBE TYPE to indicate the transducer type to be used with this setup.The selected probe type must match the frequency of the transducer beingused for proper pulser/receiver performance.e) Set VELOCITY to the value of the sound velocity in the material that is to betested with this setup (see “Material Sound Velocity and the ZeroCalibrations” on page 59).f) Set ZERO VALUE to the calibrated zero-offset value (time of flight of the echothat is not traveling through the material) for this transducer (see “Calibratingthe Instrument” on page 55).g) If needed, increase the PULSER POWER to increase the ultrasound wavepenetration in the material. Reduce the value for better near-surfaceresolution (see “Pulser Power” on page 172 for details).h) Set MAX GAIN to the desired maximum gain value (see “Maximum Gain”on page 174 for details).i) Set INIT GAIN to the desired initial gain value (see “Initial Gain” onpage 175 for details).j) Set TDG SLOPE to the desired time-dependent gain slope value (see “TDGSlope” on page 175 for details).k) Set MB BLANK to the desired main bang blank time interval (see “Main BangBlank” on page 175 for details).l) Set ECHO WINDOW to the desired time interval (see “Echo Window” onpage 177 for details).m) Set ECHO 1 DETECT to −SLOPE to detect the negative peak of the first echo,or to +SLOPE to detect the positive peak of the first echo (see “Detection ofEcho 1 and Echo 2” on page 179 for details).6. Press [SAVE].7. In the SAVE SETUP screen:a) If needed, in the SAVE AS dialog box, edit the setup name.b) In the SAVE TO list, select the desired custom setup location in which youwant to save the setup.