Getting, sending, and managing e-mail209To download an attachment:1. In the Inbox, tap the message with the attachment.A paper clip icon appears on the message’s icon if the message has anattachment that has been downloaded.If you choose to get messages by subject only, you must tap More for eachdownloaded message in order to view the body of the e-mail message plus anyattachments, up to the maximum message size. If the downloaded message(either body text alone or body text plus any attachments) exceeds yourmaximum message size, you see a message showing that the message and/orattachments were too large and asking if you would like to continuedownloading them.For example, if the maximum message size is 5KB and you download a body of2KB, then any attachment under 3KB is also downloaded, and any attachmentover 3KB is not. See “Downloading large attachments” later in this chapter.2. Click the red paper clip icon in the upper-right corner. If the attachment is notdownloaded, a paper clip icon will not appear even though the message wassent with an attachment. You must download the attachment for the paper clipicon to appear.Paper clip iconindicatesdownloadedattachmentTap red paper clip icon to viewattachment