58Clip metadataYou can add the video and audio systems, nameof the videographer, shooting location, text memosand other information to the video data you haverecorded on the P2 card. This data is called the clipmetadata. (Display method: Page 71)There are two kinds of clip metadata: the data thatis recorded automatically during shooting, and thedata in the metadata upload file created on the SDmemory card which is loaded in the unit. (Loadingmethod: Page 73)Creating the metadata upload file on the SDmemory cardYou will need the latest updated version of P2Viewer. Download it from the URL address givenbelow, and install it in the computer.https://eww.pavc.panasonic.co.jp/pro-av/What the clip metadata consists ofYou can set the items underlined below by loadingthe metadata upload file on the SD memorycard. All other items are set automatically duringshooting.GLOBAL CLIP ID:This indicates the global clip ID that shows theshooting status of the clip.USER CLIP NAME :This indicates the name of the clip that the userhas set.∗1VIDEO:This indicates the recorded image’s FRAMERATE, PULL DOWN system and ASPECTRATIO.AUDIO:This indicates the recorded sound’s SAMPLINGRATE (sampling frequency) and BITS PERSAMPLE (number of quantizing bits).ACCESS:This indicates the CREATOR (name of theperson recording), CREATION DATE (recordingdate), LAST UPDATE PERSON (the person wholast updated the data) and LAST UPDATE DATE(date on which the data was last updated).DEVICE:This indicates the MANUFACTURER(manufacturer of the equipment), SERIAL NO.(serial number of the equipment) and MODELNAME (equipment model name).The series name of the unit, “AG-HVX200”,appears for the MODEL NAME.SHOOT:This indicates the SHOOTER (name of thevideographer), START DATE (date and time atwhich shooting started), END DATE (date andtime at which shooting ended) and LOCATION/ALTITUDE/LONGITUDE/LATITUDE/SOURCE/PLACE NAME (shooting location, altitude,longitude, latitude, information source, name oflocation).SCENARIO:∗2This indicates the PROGRAM NAME, SCENENO. and TAKE NO.NEWS:This indicates the REPORTER (name of thereporter), PURPOSE (purpose of data collection)and OBJECT (target of data collection).MEMO :∗3This indicates the No. (memo No.), OFFSET(frame position from the beginning of the clip),PERSON (name of the person who recorded thetext memo), and TEXT (contents of memo).∗1 If there is no information in the metadata uploadfile, the global clip ID serves as the USERCLIP NAME. The USER CLIP NAME recordingmethod is selectable. Please refer to Appendix(page 133).∗2 When SCENARIO is to be input, you must inputthe PROGRAM NAME. You cannot input theSCENE NO. and TAKE NO. only.∗3 When MEMO is to be input, you must inputTEXT. You cannot input PERSON only.• It may not be possible to load files which havebeen edited using a viewer other than the P2Viewer. (In this case, UNKNOWN DATA will bedisplayed.)• Only printable ASCII characters can be displayedby this unit.• Due to the limitations imposed by this unit on thenumber of characters which can be displayed,not all the data can be displayed. (This does notmean that the data which is not displayed hasbeen deleted.) Use a P2 viewer or other programto check all the data.P2