148 Connection with external device: Connection with external devices using the USB 2.0 portThe unit can be connected to a hard disk drive that supportsUSB 2.0 to store data from cards on it, view thumbnails forstored clips, and write data back to P2 cards.1 By navigating the menu, set the PC MODE SELECTmenu option on the screen on theSYSTEM SETTING page to “USB HOST”, then the PCMODE option to “ON”. This will place the unit in USBHOST mode." When the unit is in USB HOST mode, the viewfinderindicates “USB HOST” and the USB LED on the sidepanel stays illuminated. If the hard disk drive is notproperly connected, then the LED blinks." When a user button is assigned the PC MODE on/offswitching capability, you can press that user button toswitch between the normal and USB HOST modes.For information about how to assign functions to theuser buttons, see [Assigning Functions to UserButtons] (page 59).2 Press the THUMBNAIL button to go to the thumbnailscreen. Check to see that the screen indicates “USBHOST” in the lower right corner. When a hard disk driveis connected, the HDD indication in the upper rightcorner stays illuminated. However, if this indicatorilluminates red, it means that the hard disk drive cannotbe copied. Confirm the hard disk drive type.For information about the HDD indication, see[Thumbnail Screen] (page 127).a. USB HOST display#NoteIn USB HOST mode, clips on P2 cards can be played backbut video from the camera or an external device cannot berecorded.Clips written to a hard disk must be written back to a P2 cardbefore it can be played back. For information about how towrite clips back to P2 cards, see [Writing data back to P2cards] (page 151).To return to the normal mode from the USB HOST mode, setPC MODE to “OFF” or press a user button which has beenassigned the PC MODE on/off function while the thumbnailscreen is closed." Hard disk drives connectable via USB 2.0" P2 STORE (AJ-PCS060G, optional)#Notes" While the USB HOST mode supports USB bus power(5 V, 0.5 A), some hard disk drives may not activate. If thisis the case, power must be supplied in a different way." Do not connect multiple hard disk drives through a hubeven if the power is turned off. Also, avoid connectingother devices together with a hard disk drive through ahub." The unit does not support a hard disk drive of 2 TB ormore.USB HOST modeSwitching to the USB HOST modeaUsing the USB HOST modeUsable hard disk drives!"#$%&'())*#+,-.+/012345677899.O09:;<99=>>?@A>BACDEFGDEHIJKL?M