190 Menu: Menu Description TablesThe ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates the preset mode.#NoteThis setting is canceled when READ FACTORY DATA isselected.CAM OPERATIONCAMERA IDItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksID1 ''''''''''Setting 1 for the CAMERA ID recordedon color bars. Up to 10 characters areallowed for this setting.– C U F –ID2 ''''''''''Setting 2 for the CAMERA ID recordedon color bars. Up to 10 characters areallowed for this setting.– C U F –ID3 ''''''''''Setting 3 for the CAMERA ID recordedon color bars. Up to 10 characters areallowed for this setting.– C U F –SHUTTER SPEEDItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksSYNCHROSCANONOFFAllocate SYNCHRO SCAN as a shutterspeed selectable by the shutter switch.– C U F –SYNCHROSCAN2ONOFFAllocate SYNCHRO SCAN2 as a shutterspeed selectable by the shutter switch.When SYNCHRO SCAN2 has beenallocated, the speed will only bedisplayed in seconds.– C U F –POSITION1 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION1 SEL in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F –POSITION2 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION2 SEL in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F –POSITION3 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION3 SEL in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F –POSITION4 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION4 SEL in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F –POSITION5 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION5 SEL in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F –POSITION6 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION6 SEL in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F –!"#$%&'())*#+,-.+/012345677899.Q)9:;<99=>>?@A>BACDEFGDEHIJKL?M