189Menu: Menu Description TablesMenuMODE CHECK INDItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksSTATUS ONOFFFor the setting to display the statusscreen when the MODE CHECK buttonis pressed.– C U F R!LED ONOFFFor the setting to indicate causes forturning on the lamp on the viewfinderis displayed when the MODE CHECKbutton is pressed.The causes for turning on the lampare displayed with .– C U F RFUNCTION ONOFFFor the setting to display the FUNCTIONscreen when the MODE CHECK buttonis pressed.– C U F RAUDIO ONOFFFor the setting to display the AUDIOscreen when the MODE CHECK buttonis pressed.– C U F RCAC ONOFFFor the setting to display the CAC screenwhen the MODE CHECK button ispressed.– C U F RUSER SWSTATUSONOFFFor selecting whether to display thefunctions assigned to the user switches,or if some of the switch operations arelocked or not when in MODE CHECK.– C U F RP.ON IND ONOFFFor the setting to display the statusscreen immediately after turning on thepower of the unit.#NoteEven if it is set to “ON” in this item, thestatus screen is not displayedimmediately after turning on the power ofthe unit when the STATUS item is set to“OFF”.– C U F R!LEDItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksGAIN (0dB) ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the GAIN is set to avalue other than “0 dB”.– C U F RSHUTTER ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the electronic shutteris activated.– C U F RWHITE PRESET ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the WHITE BALswitch is set to the [PRST] position.– C U F REXTENDER ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the lens extender isactivated.– C U F RB.GAMMA ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the BLACK GAMMAis activated.– C U F RMATRIX ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the color correctiontable for the linear matrix is selected.– C U F RCOLORCORRECTIONONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the 12-axisindependent color correction is selected.– C U F RFILTER ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the filter combinationis anyone other than 3200 K andCLEAR.– C U F R!"#$%&'())*#+,-.+/012345677899.0Q9:;<99=>>?@A>BACDEFGDEHIJKL?M