193Menu: Menu Description TablesMenuSW MODEItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksRET SW R.REVIEWCAM RETFor setting the function when the userbutton on the unit, to which the RETbutton of the lens or the RET SWfunction is allocated, is pressed.R.REVIEW:Rec review functionIt is possible to check a last fewseconds of the records taken.CAM RET:Return video functionIt is possible to confirm thereturn video signals (analogHD Y signals) supplied to theGENLOCK IN connector on theunit by using the viewfinder.#Notes" When video signals in a formatdifferent from that for the video modeof the unit, return video is not properlydisplayed." When the GENLOCK item (the screen on the SYSTEMSETTING page) is set to “INT”, thereturn video image may be displayedas slightly shaking horizontally.– C U F RS.BLK LVL OFF–10–20–30For setting the super black level.– C U F RAUTO KNEE SW ONOFFDRSFor selecting on/off of the AUTO KNEEfunction and DRS function.When it is set to “OFF”, the AUTO KNEEmay not function even if the AUTOKNEE switch is turned on.When the DRS is selected and theAUTO KNEE switch is positioned to[ON], the DRS function turns on.S C U F RSHD.ABB SWCTLONOFFFor the setting to adjust the blackshading automatically when the AUTOW/B BAL switch is held to the [ABB] sidefor 8 seconds or more.– C U F RItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksCOLOR BARS SMPTEFULL BARSSPLITFor selecting the color bar to be used.SMPTE: Color bar complied with theSMPTE standardsFULL BARS:Full color barSPLIT: SPLIT color bar for SNG(Satellite News Gathering)– C U F RRC CHECK SW R.REVIEWPLAYFor specifying what the unit does whenthe REC check button on the remotecontrol unit is pressed.R.REVIEW:The unit performs rec review.PLAY: The unit performs playback.– C U F RSIDE SW LOCK OFFONFor selecting whether to disable theswitches (GAIN, OUTPUT and AWBswitches) on the side of the unit.When this setting is changed from “OFF”to “ON”, the set states of the switchesare preserved. While this setting is “ON”,the switches remain disabled.OFF: Switches are not disabled.ON: Switches are disabled.– C U F R!"#$%&'())*#+,-.+/012345677899.Q'9:;<99=>>?@A>BACDEFGDEHIJKL?M