53Adjustments and Settings for Recording: Adjusting the White balance and Black BalanceAdjustments and Settings for RecordingThe detection area for the white balance is selectablebetween “90%”, “50%” and “25%”, using the menu optionAWB AREA.This option can be found in the screen on the CAM OPERATION page.The detection area is factory-set to “25%”.Position the WHITE BAL switch at [PRST].This adjusts the white balance for the filter according to theposition of the CC/ND FILTER control.When the white balance has not been successfully adjusted,the viewfinder displays an error message.If one of the error messages listed below appears, take theappropriate steps, then adjust the white balance again.If the error message appears after repeated readjustments,the interior of the unit must be inspected. For moreinformation, contact your distributor.Each value in memory is retained even if the unit is turnedoff; it will not be lost until the white balance is re-adjusted.White balances are stored in either of two systems: A or B.When the menu option FILTER INH is set to “ON” (default),each system stores only one value. If this is the case, thevalues are not synchronized with the filters.This option can be found in the screen on the CAM OPERATION page.When the menu option FILTER INH is set to “OFF”, theadjusted value for each filter can be automatically stored inthe memory that corresponds to the position of the WHITEBAL switch ([A] or [B]). Your unit has 4 built-in filters; it stores8 (4$2) adjusted values.Detection area for the white balanceWhen you have no time to adjust the whitebalanceWhen the white balance has not beenautomatically adjustedError message Description RemediesCOLOR TEMPHIGHThe colortemperature is toohigh.Select an appropriatefilter.COLOR TEMPLOWThe colortemperature is toolow.Select an appropriatefilter.LOW LIGHT There is insufficientlight.Increase the lightlevel or gain.LEVEL OVER There is too muchlight.Decrease the lightlevel or gain.CHECK FILTER The FILTER control isdisplaced.Check the FILTERcontrol.TIME OVER AWB was notcompleted within thetime allowed.Shooting conditionsmay be unstable. Ifflicker occurs, pressthe shutter andreadjust the AWBunder stableconditions.90%50%25%Retaining white balances!"#$%&'())*#+,-.+/012345677899P'9:;<99=>>?@A>BACDEFGDEHIJKL?M