Basic34VQT0W82∫ Example of program shift when usingthe supplied lens(A): Aperture value(B): Shutter speed1 Program shift amount2 Program shift line chart• If the exposure is not adequate when theshutter button is pressed halfway, theaperture value and the shutter speed onthe LCD monitor (information displayscreen) turn red. The aperture value andthe shutter speed blink on the Viewfinder.(They do not blink when the flash isactivated.)• Program shift is canceled and the camerareturns to normal program AE mode ifmore than 10 seconds pass after programshift is activated. However, the programshift setting is memorized.• Depending on the brightness of thesubject, program shift may not beactivated.∫ Focusing• The focus range with auto focus is29 cm (0.95 feet) to ¶. (when thesupplied lens is attached)• If the distance between the camera andthe subject is beyond the focus range ofthe camera, the picture may not beproperly focused even if the focusindication lights.• The camera will not focus on subjectsproperly in the following cases.– When there are both near and distantsubjects in a scene.– When there is dirt or dust on glassbetween the lens and the subject.– When there are illuminated or glitteringobjects around the subject.– When taking a picture in dark places.– When the subject is moving fast.– When the scene has low contrast.– When jitter occurs.– When recording a very bright subject.– When taking pictures of objects with arepeated pattern e.g. the windows on abuilding.We recommend taking pictures using AF/AE lock (P63). In dark places, the AFassist lamp (P82) may turn on for focusingon the subject.• Even when the focus indication appearsand the subject is focused, it is canceled ifyou release the shutter button. Press theshutter button halfway again.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 141 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/125 1/250 1/500 1/1000 1/200022.845.68111622151617181920(A)(B)Taking good picturesDownloaded from Manuals