Advanced67VQT0W82• [SEQUENCE](When taking 5 pictures)– [0/`/_/``/__](5 pictures are taken. The first pictureis taken at 0 EV. The next 4 picturesare taken at `1 EV, _1 EV, `2 EVand then _2 EV.)– [``/`/0/_/__](5 pictures are taken. The first pictureis taken at `2 EV. The next 4 picturesare taken at `1 EV, 0 EV, _1 EV andthen _2 EV)5 Press [MENU/SET] twice to closethe menu.• You can also press the shutterbutton halfway to close the menu.• When taking pictures using auto bracketafter setting the exposure compensationrange, the pictures taken are based on theselected exposure compensation range.• The auto review function is activatedregardless of the setting for auto review.(The picture is not enlarged.)• The exposure may not be compensatedwith auto bracket depending on thebrightness of the subject.• You can only take 1 picture when the flashis activated. Also, you cannot take thenumber of pictures set in auto bracket ifthe number of recordable pictures is less.Taking Pictures withthe Self-timer1 Set the drive mode lever to [ ].A: Self-timer set to [10 SEC.]2 Focus on the subject and take apicture.• A picture is not taken until the subject isbrought into focus.• If you want to press the shutter buttonfully to take a picture even when thesubject is not focused, set[FOCUS PRIORITY] in the [CUSTOM]menu to [OFF]. (P86)• The self-timerindicator B blinksand the shutter isactivated after10 seconds (or2 seconds).• If you press [MENU/SET] while taking apicture with the self-timer, it is canceled.PSTANDARDSTANDARDISOISO 100100AUTOAUTOWBWB1919NORMALNORMALCUSTOMCUSTOM- 1 +1+10-2 +2+2APSTANDARDSTANDARDISOISO 100100AUTOAUTOWBWB1919NORMALNORMALCUSTOMCUSTOMCANCELCANCEL MENUBDownloaded from Manuals