KW2G / KW2G-H Eco-POWER METER100Data item(MEWTOCOL) Name Unit Kind of data Range: Hexadecimal(Range: Decimal)MODBUSFunctioncode0038H(DT00056) Simple measuring - Unsigned 16bit 0H(0):OFF 1H(1):ON 03H/06H/10H0039H(DT00057) Simple voltage 0.1V Unsigned 32bit 0H to 1869FH (0 to 99999) 03H/06H/10H003AH(DT00058)003BH(DT00059) Simple PF 0.01 Unsigned 16bit 0H to 64H (0 to 100) 03H/06H/10H003DH(DT00061)【M】Unit forPulse output- Unsigned 32bit1H(1)<0.001>, AH(10)<0.01>,64H(100)<0.1>,3E8H(1000)<1>,2710H(10000)<10>,186A0H(100000)<100>,3E7H(999)< Instantaneous electric power:Values of 0040H,0041H>378H(888)< Error alarm>309H(777)< Ratio for current alarm:Value of 0045H>22BH(555)< Preset value for output:Values of 009EH,009FH>14DH(333)< Ratio and time for Stand-by alarm:Value of 004DH,004EH>6FH(111)Value off 005FH>03H/06H/10H003EH(DT00062)0040H(DT00064) 【M】Power alarm value(Instantaneouselectric power)0.01kW Unsigned 32bit 0H to F423FH (0 to 999999) 03H/06H/10H0041H(DT00065)0042H(DT00066) VT ratio 0.01 Unsigned 16bit 64H to 270FH (100 to 9999) 03H/06H/10H0044H(DT00068) Cutoff current 0.1% Unsigned 16bit 1H to 1F4H (1 to 500) 03H/06H/10H0045H(DT00069)【M】Ratio for current alarm 0.1% Unsigned 16bit 1H to 3E8H (1 to 1000) 03H/06H/10H0046H(DT00070) Voltage range - Unsigned 16bit 2H(2); 200V 03H0047H(DT00071)Calendar Monitor(Hour/Minute) - Unsigned 16bit H:00H to 23H, M:00H to 59H 03H0048H(DT00072)Calendar timer(Minute/Second) - Unsigned 16bit M:00H to 59H, S:00H to 59H 03H/06H/10H0049H(DT00073)Calendar timer(Date/Hour) - Unsigned 16bit D:01H to 31H, H:00H to 23H 03H/06H/10H004AH(DT00074)Calendar timer(Year/Month) - Unsigned 16bit Y:00H to 99H, M:01H to 12H 03H/06H/10H004BH(DT00075)Calendar timer(Day) - Unsigned 16bit Day:00H to 06H 03H/06H/10H004CH(DT00076) Log cycle setting - Unsigned 16bit1H(1)<1>,2H(2)<5>,3H(3)<10>,4H(4)<15>,5H(5)<30>,6H(6)<60>03H/06H/10H004DH(DT00077)【M】Ratio for stand-bycurrent 0.1% Unsigned 16bit 1H to 3E8H (1 to 1000) 03H/06H/10H004EH(DT00078)【M】Time for stand-byalarm 1min Unsigned 16bit 0H to 270FH (0 to 9999) 03H/06H/10H004FH(DT00079)【M】General-purposeoutput judgement value - Unsigned 16bit 0H(0):OFF 1H(1):ON 03H/06H/10H