KW2G / KW2G-H Eco-POWER METER103Data item(MEWTOCOL) Name Unit Kind of data Range: Hexadecimal(Range: Decimal)MODBUSFunctioncode046FH(DT01135)【E1】General-purposeoutputjudgement value- Unsigned 16bit 0H(0):OFF 1H(1):ON 03H/06H/10H0470H(DT01136)【E1】General-purposeoutput type- Unsigned 16bit0H(0): Level output1H(1): Repeat cycle output2H(2): One-shot output03H/06H/10H0471H(DT01137) 【E1】Output ON-time 0.1sec. Unsigned 16bit 1H to 64H (1 to 100) 03H/06H/10H0472H(DT01138) 【E1】Output OFF-time 0.1sec. Unsigned 16bit 1H to 64H (1 to 100) 03H/06H/10H07D0H(DT2000)【M】Current for timemeasurement 1 (1) 0.1% Unsigned 16bit 1H to 3E8H (0.1 to 100.0) 03H/06H/10H07D1H(DT2001)【M】Current for timemeasuremen 2 (1) 0.1% Unsigned 16bit 1H to 3E8H (0.1 to 100.0) 03H/06H/10H07D2H(DT2002)【M】Current for timemeasurement 1 (2) *1 0.1% Unsigned 16bit 1H to 3E8H (0.1 to 100.0) 03H/06H/10H07D3H(DT2003)【M】Current for timemeasurement 2 (2) *1 0.1% Unsigned 16bit 1H to 3E8H (0.1 to 100.0) 03H/06H/10H0804H(DT2052)【M】Pulse input type (1) - Unsigned 16bit 0H: Pulse count1H: Maintenace03H/06H/10H0868H(DT2152)【E1】Pulse input type (1) - Unsigned 16bit 0H: Pulse count1H: Maintenace03H/06H/10H0869H(DT2153)【E1】Pulse input type (2) *1 - Unsigned 16bit 0H: Pulse count1H: Maintenace03H/06H/10HMeasurement valueData item(MEWTOCOL) Name Unit Kind of data Range: Hexadecimal(Range: Decimal)MODBUSFunctioncode0064H(DT00100) 【M】Integrated activepower ((1))0.01kWh Unsigned 32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH(0 to 999999999)03H/06H/10H0065H(DT00101)006FH(DT00111) 【M】Power factor ((1)) 0.01 Signed 16bit FF9CH to 0064H (-100 to 100) 03H0070H(DT00112) Frequency 0.1Hz Unsigned 16bit 0H to 3E8H (0 to 1000) 03H0071H(DT00113) 【M】Power factor (2) *1 0.01 Signed 16bit FF9CH to 0064H (-100 to 100) 03H0078H(DT00120) 【M】Integrated activepower ((1))0.01kWh Unsigned 32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH(0 to 999999999)03H/06H/10H0079H(DT00121)007AH(DT00122) 【M】Integrated activepower(2) *10.01kWh Unsigned 32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH(0 to 999999999)03H/06H/10H007BH(DT00123)007CH(DT00124) 【M】Voltage (R/RS) 0.1V Unsigned 32bit 0H to F423FH (0 to 999999) 03H007DH(DT00125)007EH(DT00126) 【M】Voltage (RT) 0.1V Unsigned 32bit 0H to F423FH (0 to 999999) 03H007FH(DT00127)0080H(DT00128) 【M】Voltage (T/TS) *1 0.1V Unsigned 32bit 0H to F423FH (0 to 999999) 03H0081H(DT00129)