KW2G/ KW2G-H Eco-POWER METER42+4.3.3 Mode 3(Mode for setting of each parameter for serial communication:Mode 3 is common settings for main unit and expansion unit.)Mode3 Setting flow chartMonitor↓ continuous pressMODE 1 Lighting↓- △> 2 timesMODE 3 Lighting↓Protocol setting modeMode defines communication protocol of main unit via serial communication (RS485).・Select from MEWTOCOL / MODBUS(RTU).Press
- △> to change.MEWTOCOL MODBUS(RTU)↓Station number setting modeMode defines an individual station no. for each unit when two or more units communicate viaserial communication (RS485).・It can be set the range of 1 to 99.Set it using
- △>,+
- △>.( 1 to 99 ) IncreaseDecrease↓Transmission speed setting modeMode defines serial communication (RS485) transmission speed. Define the transmissionspeed according to the master’s (PLC etc.).・Select from 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200/ 38400 / 57600 / 115200 [bps].Press
- △>,+
- △> to change.19200bps 38400bps 57600bps115200bps 2400bps 4800bps 9600bps↓+ ++ +++