"Authentication ID": Enter an authentication ID(1–60 characters [alphanumeric, space, symbols])(Page 116). &, <, >, comma (,), double quotationmark (") cannot be entered."Authentication Password": Enter anauthentication password (0–60 characters[alphanumeric, space, symbols]) (Page 116). &, <,>, comma (,), double quotation mark (") cannot beentered.Note• "Authentication ID" and "AuthenticationPassword" can only be set when"Authentication" is set to "ON".• While being entered, the characters of theauthentication password are displayed, butonce the settings are saved, all thecharacters will be displayed as asterisks (*),and you will no longer be able to check theauthentication password on the screen.Record the authentication passwordbeforehand, and store it in a safe location.• When the authentication password isdisplayed as asterisks (*), pressing [Y]deletes the entire authentication password."H.460": Use [ ][ ] to select "ON" or"OFF" (default).• This setting is available only when "OFF" isselected for "Static NAT" (Page 105) and"ON" is selected for "Gatekeeper".Making Static NAT SettingsNote• To change the static NAT settings, it isnecessary to configure system settings,including the port number settings. For details,contact your dealer.• This setting is available only when "IPAddress" is set to "Manual" in "NetworkSettings" (Page 87).1. Login to the administrator menu (Page 101).• The admin menu screen is displayed.2. Press [ ].• The second page is displayed.3. Use [ ][ ] to select "Static NAT Settings" andpress [Enter].• The Static NAT settings screen is displayed.4. Use [ ][ ] to select the following items for input:"Static NAT": Use [ ][ ] to select "ON" or"OFF" (default).Note• To select "ON", "H.460" must be set to"OFF" on the H.323 settings screen(Page 105).• When "ON" is selected, the IP address ofthe WAN side will be displayed for the unitinformation on the Home screen (Page 27)."WAN IP Address": Enter the WAN IP address ofthe router.Note• If the IP address contains 1 or 2 digitnumbers, enter these numbers as they are.Do not enter like [.001].Example: The IP address is [].– Correct entry: []– Wrong entry: []"RTP and RTCP for Audio": Enter the initial portnumber (5100–5194) for RTP and RTCP for Audio(default: 5100)."RTP and RTCP for Video": Enter the initial portnumber (5200–5294) for RTP and RTCP for Video(default: 5200)."Camera Control": Enter the initial port number(5300–5394) for controlling a video camera (default:5300)."SIP (2-Point)": Enter the port number for 2-partyvideo conference calls (5000–5099) forcommunication using a SIP server (default: 5060).User Manual 105Contacts and Settings