Data SecurityWe recommend observing the security precautionsdescribed in this section, in order to prevent thedisclosure of sensitive information.Panasonic is not responsible for any damagescaused by improper use of this device.Preventing Data LossKeep a separate record of all information stored in thecontact list.Preventing Data Disclosure• Do not place this device in a location that can beaccessed or removed without authorisation.• If important information is saved on this device,store it in an appropriate location.• Do not store sensitive personal information in theunit.• In the following situations, make a record ofinformation stored in the contact list and return theunit to the state it was in when purchased(Page 111).– Before lending or disposing of the unit– Before handing the unit over to a third party– Before having the unit serviced• Make sure the unit is serviced by only a certifiedtechnician.This device can register and store personal data (thecontact list, connection history, etc.). In order to preventthe disclosure of data stored on this device, make sureto delete all data that is registered and stored on thisdevice prior to disposing of, lending, or returning thisdevice (Page 111).Preventing Data Disclosure over theNetwork• To ensure the security of private conversations,only connect the unit to a secure network.• To prevent unauthorised access, only connect theunit to a network that is properly managed.• Make sure all computers connected to the unitemploy up-to-date security measures.Privacy and Right ofPublicityBy installing and using this device, you are responsiblefor maintaining the privacy and usage rights of imagesand other data (including sound picked up by themicrophone). Use this device accordingly.• Privacy is generally said to be, "A legal guaranteeand right not to have the details of one’s personallife unreasonably publicised, and the right to be ableto control information about oneself. In addition,right of publicity is a right not to have a likeness ofone’s face or figure photographed and publicisedwithout consent".• When the Automatic Answer feature is enabled,transmission begins as soon as a video conferencecall is received. The receiver of the videoconference call will begin transmitting as soon asthe video conference call is received at any time,from any caller. Please be aware when theAutomatic Answer feature is enabled, there is a riskthat due to an unexpected, automatically answeredvideo conference call, privacy rights may beviolated or sensitive information may be transmittedto unauthorised parties.User Manual 13Before Operation