Preparation20VQT0X92About the Cardw Access to the cardThe card access indication lights redwhen pictures are being recorded onto thecard.When the card access indication lights,pictures are being read or deleted or thecard is being formatted. Do not:• turn the camera off.• remove the battery or the card.• shake or impact the camera.The card and the data may be damaged orthe camera may not operate normally.w SD Memory Card (supplied), SDHCMemory Card (optional) andMultiMediaCard (optional)• The SD Memory Card, SDHC MemoryCard and MultiMediaCard are small,lightweight, removable external cards.• The reading/writing speed of an SDMemory Card and an SDHC MemoryCard is fast. Both types of card areequipped with a Write-Protect switch that prevents writing and formatting thecard. (If the switch is slid to the [LOCK]side, it is not possible to write or deletedata on the card and format it. When theswitch is slid to the other side, thesefunctions become available.)SD Memory CardPlease confirm the latest information on thefollowing website. Site is English only.)• Refer to P129 for information about thenumber of recordable pictures and theavailable recording time for each Card.• This camera is compatible with SDMemory Cards based on SD MemoryCard Specifications and formatted inFAT12 system and FAT16 system. It is alsocompatible with SDHC Memory Cardsbased on SD Memory Card Specificationsand formatted in FAT32 system.• The SDHC Memory Card is a memorycard standard decided by the SDAssociation in 2006 for high capacitymemory cards more than 2 GB.• This camera is compatible with both anSD Memory Card and an SDHC MemoryCard. You can use an SDHC MemoryCard in equipment that is compatible withSDHC Memory Cards however youcannot use an SDHC Memory Card inequipment that is only compatible with SDMemory Cards. (If you use an SDHCMemory Card in other equipment, alwaysread the operating instructions for theother equipment.)• This unit does not support recordingmotion pictures on MultiMediaCards.We recommend using High Speed SDMemory Cards/SDHC Memory Cardswhen recording motion pictures. (P76)w About handling a cardTransfer important pictures/motion picturesfrom your card to your PC periodically(P112). The data on the card may bedamaged or lost due to electromagneticwaves, static electricity, the camerabreaking down or a defective card.• Do not format the card on your PC orother equipment. Format it on the cameraonly to ensure proper operation. (P111)• The reading/writing speed of aMultiMediaCard is slower than an SDMemory Card or SDHC Memory Card.When a MultiMediaCard is used, theperformance of certain features may beslightly slower than advertised.• Keep the Memory Card out of reach ofchildren to prevent swallowing.332