Basic36VQT0X92Taking Pictures inAuto ModeThis mode allows beginners to take pictureseasily. The settings for those functions whichare easy to make mistakes with are fixed atthe time of purchase allowing pictures to betaken with fewer mistakes.w Auto Mode SettingsIn auto mode the following items are fixedat the time of purchase to prevent mistakesbeing made when using the camera.• Select [AF] or [AF MACRO] with the focusswitch.w The Backlight CompensationBacklight refers to when light comes fromthe back of a subject.In this case, the subject, such as a person,will become dark.If you press , the compensating backlightON indication appears and thebacklight compensation function isactivated. This function compensates thebacklight by brightening the whole of thepicture.• If you press while [ ] is displayed,[ ] disappears and the backlightcompensation function is canceled.• We recommend using the flash when youuse the backlight compensation function.(When using the flash, it is fixed to ForcedON [ ].)• The flash setting is fixed to AUTO/Red-eyereduction [ ] when the backlightcompensation function is set to [OFF].• Even if the focus switch is set to [AF], youcan take pictures approaching the subjectat a distance of up to 5 cm (0.16 feet) fromthe lens by rotating the zoom ring upmostto Wide the same as if [AF MACRO] wasselected.• The settings for [ASPECT RATIO],[PICT.SIZE], [QUALITY] and[CONVERSION] in auto mode areapplied to other recording modes.• You cannot use the following functions inauto mode.– [WB ADJUST.]– Exposure compensation– Auto bracket– Flash Output Adjustment– [D.ZOOM]– [COL.EFFECT]– [FOCUS/AE LOCK][W.BALANCE] [AUTO] P83[SENSITIVITY] [ ] P85[AUDIO REC.] [OFF] P89[METERING MODE] [ ] P89[AF MODE] [ ] P90[CONT.AF] [OFF] P91[AF ASSIST LAMP] [ON] P91[PICT.ADJ.] [STD.] P94[FLIP ANIM.] Cannot be set P95[EXT.FLASH] AutomaticallyswitchesbetweenPRESET/TTLAUTOP99AFFOCUSMFAFMACRO3 3BACKLIGHT BACKLIGHT