Advanced81VQT0X92Playing Back MotionPictures/Pictures withAudiow Motion picturesPress to select a picturewith a motion picture icon [ ]/[ ]/[ ]/[ ]/[ ]/[ ] and then press to playback.• The motion picture recording time isdisplayed on the screen. After playbackstarts, the motion picture recording timedisappears and the elapsed playback timeis displayed on the bottom right of thescreen.For example, 1 hour 20 minutes and30 seconds is displayed as [1h20m30s].• The cursor displayed duringplayback is the same as ///.• Press again to stop motion pictureplayback and return to the normalplayback screen.Fast forwarding/Fast rewindingPress and hold during motion pictureplayback.: Fast rewind: Fast forward• The camera returns to normal motionpicture playback when is released.To pausePress during motion picture playback.• Press again to cancel pause.w Pictures with audioPress to select a picturewith the audio icon [ ] and thenpress to play back.• Refer to [AUDIO REC.] (P89) and[AUDIO DUB.] (P108) for informationabout how to create still pictures withaudio.• Sound can be heard through the speaker.Refer to [VOLUME] (P29) for informationabout how to adjust the volume in the[SETUP] menu.• The file format that can be played backwith this camera is QuickTime MotionJPEG.• Please note that the bundled softwareincludes QuickTime to play back motionpicture files created with the camera onthe PC. (P113)• Some QuickTime Motion JPEG filesrecorded by a PC or other equipment maynot play back on the camera.• If you play back motion pictures that havebeen recorded with other equipment, thepicture quality may deteriorate or thepictures may not play back.• When using a high capacity card, it ispossible that fast rewinding may be slowerthan usual.• You cannot use the following functions withmotion pictures and pictures with audio.– Playback zoom(While playing back or pausing motionpictures and while playing audio)– [ROTATE DISP.]/[ROTATE]/[AUDIO DUB.] (Motion pictures only)– [RESIZE]/[TRIMMING]/[ASPECT CONV.]PLAY MOTIONPICTURE10:00 DEC. 1.20061/3100_000125sPLAY AUDIO100_000110:00 DEC. 1.20061/3