2Trademarks and registered trademarks● Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8,Windows® 8.1, Internet Explorer® and ActiveX® areeither registered trademarks or trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation in the United States and other countries.● Intel ® and Intel® CoreTM are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States andother countries.● Adobe ® and Reader® are either registered trademarks ortrademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the UnitedStates and/or other countries.● HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition MultimediaInterface are the trademarks or registered trademarksof HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and othercountries.● microSDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.● Apple, Mac, OS X, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Safariare registered trademarks of Apple Inc., in the UnitedStates and other countries.● Android TM is a trademark of Google Inc.● Other names of companies and products containedin these Operating Instructions may be trademarks orregistered trademarks of their respective owners.About copyright and licenceDistributing, copying, disassembling, reverse compiling,reverse engineering, and also exporting in violation of exportlaws of the software provided with the unit are expresslyprohibited.AbbreviationsThe following abbreviations are used in this manual.● Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional SP1 32/64-bit isabbreviated to “Windows 7”.● Microsoft ® Windows® 8 Pro 32/64-bit is abbreviated to“Windows 8”.● Microsoft ® Windows® 8.1 Pro 32/64-bit is abbreviated to“Windows 8.1”.● Windows ® Internet Explorer® 8.0, Windows® InternetExplorer ® 9.0, Windows® Internet Explorer® 10.0 andWindows ® Internet Explorer® 11.0 are abbreviated to“Internet Explorer”.● microSDHC memory cards and microSDXC memorycards are abbreviated to “SD cards”.For the purposes of this manual, the model numbers of theunits are given as listed in the table below.Model numberof unitModel numbergiven in manualAW-HE40HWP, AW-HE40HKP,AW-HE40HWE, AW-HE40HKE AW-HE40AW-HE40SWP, AW-HE40SKP,AW-HE40SWE, AW-HE40SKEAW-HE40HWP, AW-HE40HKP,AW-HE40HWE, AW-HE40HKE AW-HE40HAW-HE40SWP, AW-HE40SKP,AW-HE40SWE, AW-HE40SKE AW-HE40SAW-HS50N AW-HS50AW-HS50EAW-RP50N AW-RP50AW-RP50EAW-RP120G AW-RP120AK-HRP200G AK-HRP200Illustrations and screen displays featured inthe manual● What is shown in the manual’s illustrations and screendisplays may differ from how it is actually appears.● The screenshots are used in accordance with theguidelines of Microsoft Corporation.● Functions which can be used by Windows only areindicated using the mark.● The functions that become available after activation(registration of the unlock key code) are indicated by themark.