KW9M Eco-POWER METER54Data register Name Unit Kind of data Range: Hexadecimal Functioncode00C6H 00C7H Integral active power (1) 0.001kWhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00C8H 00C9H Integral active power (2) 0.001kWhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00CAH 00CBH Integral active power (3) 0.001kWhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00CCH 00CDH Total integral activepower0.001kWhUnsigned32bit 0H to B2D05DFDH 03H00CEH 00CFH Integralreactive power (1)0.001kvarhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00D0H 00D1H Integralreactive power (2)0.001kvarhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00D2H 00D3H Integralreactive power (3)0.001kvarhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00D4H 00D5H Total integralreactive power0.001kvarhUnsigned32bit 0H to B2D05DFDH 03H00D6H 00D7H Integralapparent power (1)0.001kVAhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00D8H 00D9H Integralapparent power (2)0.001kVAhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00DAH 00DBH Integralapparent power (3)0.001kVAhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00DCH 00DDH Total integralapparent power0.001kVAhUnsigned32bit 0H to B2D05DFDH 03H00DEH 00DFH Integral export activepower (1)0.001kWhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00E0H 00E1H Integral export activepower (2)0.001kWhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00E2H 00E3H Integral export activepower (3)0.001kWhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00E4H 00E5H Total integralexport active power0.001kWhUnsigned32bit 0H to B2D05DFDH 03H00E6H 00E7H Integral exportreactive power (1)0.001kvarhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00E8H 00E9H Integral exportreactive power (2)0.001kvarhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00EAH 00EBH Integral exportreactive power (3)0.001kvarhUnsigned32bit 0H to 3B9AC9FFH 03H/10H00ECH 00EDH Total integral exportreactive power0.001kvarhUnsigned32bit 0H to B2D05DFDH 03H00EEH 00EFH Instantaneous activepower (1)0.001kW Signed 32bit FA0A1F01H to 5F5E0FFH 03H00F0H 00F1H Instantaneous activepower (2)0.001kW Signed 32bit FA0A1F01H to 5F5E0FFH 03H00F2H 00F3H Instantaneous activepower (3)0.001kW Signed 32bit FA0A1F01H to 5F5E0FFH 03H00F4H 00F5H Total instantaneousactive power0.001kW Signed 32bit EE1E5D03H to 11E1A2FDH 03H00F6H 00F7H Instantaneous reactivepower (1)0.001kvar Signed 32bit FA0A1F01H to 5F5E0FFH 03H00F8H 00F9H Instantaneous reactivepower (2)0.001kvar Signed 32bit FA0A1F01H to 5F5E0FFH 03H00FAH 00FBH Instantaneous reactivepower (3)0.001kvar Signed 32bit FA0A1F01H to 5F5E0FFH 03H00FCH 00FDH Total instantaneousreactive power0.001kvar Signed 32bit EE1E5D03H to 11E1A2FDH 03H* ’Range’ is not the measurement range, it shows the data range.